
Showing posts from August, 2018
from John Quincy Adams, " If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, then you are a leader." As Martin Luther King Jr. said, "You don't have to see the whole staircase, Just take the first step." Michael Jordan said,   "Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships."   General George Patton, said, "If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking." From Joy Gumz , "Operations keeps the lights on, strategy provides a light at the end of the tunnel,   but project management is the train engine that moves the organization forward."
2.4 ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS GOVERNANCE OF PORTFOLIOS, PROGRAMS, AND PROJECTS Project governance refers to the framework, functions, and processes that guide project management activities in order to create a unique product, service, or result to meet organizational, strategic, and operational goals. There is no one governance framework that is effective in all organizations. A governance framework should be tailored to the organizational culture, types of projects, and the needs of the organization in order to be effective. 2.4.3 MANAGEMENT ELEMENTS The key functions or principles of management include but are not limited to: ·        Division of work using specialized skills and availability to perform work; Authority given to perform work; ·        Responsibility to perform work appropriately assigned based on such attributes as skill and experience; ·        Discipline of action (e.g., respect for authority, people, and rules); ·        Unity o
Tomara que existam alienígenas inteligentes por aí pelo universo E que um dia a gente possa trocar informações de uma forma pacífica Porque seria muito chato se nós fossemos sozinhos Sem ninguém pra aprender e ensinar Sem ninguém que pudesse nos admirar Um Planeta cheio de vida e cheio de vontade de viver Vida Longa e Prospera pra você !!!